Staying healthy during the busy back-to-school season can be a challenge, but armed with a few germ fighting tips, it's doable!

Staying Healthy at School: Germ Fighting Tips

We’re headed into back-to-school season, and that means the germs that we’ve (hopefully) managed to keep out of our houses this summer are going to be launching a full-force attack. Staying healthy during the busy back-to-school season can be a challenge, but armed with a few germ fighting tips, it’s doable!

Staying healthy during the busy back-to-school season can be a challenge, but armed with a few germ fighting tips, it is doable!

Bacteria are the cause of many childhood illnesses. Many times, the child carrying the virus doesn’t know he’s sick yet. One sick child is all it takes to bring a nasty bug to school.

Coughing, sneezing, vomiting, or forgetting to wash hands after using the bathroom can spread illness in a hurry. Often illness will spread not just to the kids sharing a classroom, but in some cases to the entire school. And many times, illness at school spreads to the family members at home.

Staying healthy at school (and at home) is often as easy as keeping the exchange of bodily fluids to a minimum.

Germ Fighting Tips for Staying Healthy at School

Wash Hands

Teach your children proper hand washing to avoid spreading germs on hands.

Everyone should wash their hands:

  • Before and after eating
  • After going to the bathroom
  • After playing sports
  • After coming in from the playground
  • After using a shared computer or phone
  • After any messy jobs such as in art or science
  • After blowing their nose

At our house, our first line of defense against germs is a “wash your hands when you come in the door” rule. My kids all know that as soon as their shoes are off and put away, they are to wash their hands with soap and water.

Cover Coughs & Sneezes

Remind your children to cover coughs and sneezes using their upper arm, not their hands.

Hands are much more likely to touch public spaces and spread germs than an upper shirt sleeve.

Use Disposable Tissues

The last thing you want is for germs to hang around on cloths stuffed in your child’s pockets. Make sure your child goes to school with a pocket pack of tissues, and donate several boxes of tissues to your child’s classroom.

Keep Hands Away from Eyes and out of the Mouth

Remind your child that hands are often covered in germs which easily transfer if they touch their face, especially around the mouth, or rub their eyes. Hands should be washed frequently, especially after touching one’s face or when one is getting ready to eat.

Don’t Share Water Bottles or Food

Oral transmission of bacteria and virus is one of the most common routes for infection. Sending a reusable water bottle to school with your child is a great way to avoid drinking fountain germs – just be sure to remind him not to let his friends drink out of it!

Boost Immune Health with Probiotics and Vitamins

Beyond basic hand-washing to avoid the spread of germs, we boost our immune systems by eating healthy, taking vitamins and probiotics, and making sure we’re getting enough sleep each night. When our bodies are at their best, germs don’t stand a chance!

Regularly taking a quality probiotic is the first step in building a healthy immune system that can fight off germs and keep your kids healthy. 70-80% of the body’s immune cells live in your gut. Our family takes (and highly recommends) this probiotic on a daily basis.

A high-quality multivitamin is important for filling in the gaps in our diets. Multivitamins provide our bodies with the nutrients it needs to run at its best. Taking a multivitamin each morning helps to give our bodies the support they need to stay healthy!

Teach your child about the value of staying healthy by avoiding germs, start them on a daily probiotic and multivitamin, and see what a difference it makes this school year.

Staying healthy during the busy back-to-school season can be a challenge, but armed with a few germ fighting tips, it is doable!

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